Year: 2013
Producer: Victor Hunt
Project assistant: Sarah Laaroussi
Materials: Lacquered and darkened steel, LEDs, electrical components
Campaign pictures: Laetitia Bica
Catalog: Theophile’s Papers
Project assistant: Sarah Laaroussi
Contrast explores the inherent physical characteristics within various metals such as bronze, copper, brass, aluminum, carbon or stainless steel. It is a play on weights, colours, textures and light using industrially produced pipes as raw material.
A simple plane cut is processed in order to convert these elementary industrial supplies into different lighting object typologies. These either CNC-milled, laser-cut or crafted openings reveal the insides of the pipes in opposition to their outsides. The tension created is reinforced through the use of numerous surface treatments ranging from industrial ones such as lacquering, anodizing, polishing and brushing to crafted patinas and natural oxidations.